Saturday, 19 December 2009

Blackberry - Bluetooth

32/1000 happiness: Happy!!! Bought this Mandarin Orange from Tesco and it is super nice!!! Very very very sweet!! Love it!! It is a bit expensive though... 2pound something... But worth it! :)

33/1000 happiness: So happy! Haha... Just now was playing around blackberry... Then I was viewing the captured pictures... But I got no idea how to proceed to the next picture! So I had to go out from the picture and click the next pic and view again and go out again... But I am sure there is one key for viewing the next pic! Hahahaha... 王天不负有心人! N=next picture; P=previous picture; 3=Zoom In; 1=Zoom out! Happy!! Will explore more soon!

44/1000 happiness: Super happy! Guess what! I managed to send file from my laptop to my Blackberry!! But, honestly... I used almost an hour to figure out what's gone wrong... I paired the connection between my Blackberry and my Laptop... But it still doesn't work! Then I tried using my N95! "SENDING FAIL"!! I am sure Blackberry wouldn't be that lousy till can't accept files from other non-Blackberry devices! Hahaha... finally... I found it! All I have to do is... paired the connection between the blackberry and other device... then go to menu --> media --> pictures --> click menu again --> CLICK receive using Bluetooth!! Then you only send the file from other devices... OMG!! GENG AH! Happy! I am getting more and more excited with this Blackberry! Worth it) Next I am gonna send some song to my Blackberry!

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