Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Peh Ling went back Malaysia d...
Thanks god that check in and everything went smooth for her...
I'm am sure she has arrived home safely... happy 137
May god bless her...

Went over to Woo's room to company this old lady...
Slept over in her room...
Wow... so comfortable... happy 138
feel warm whenever she is there...

Today got a love lunch box from her...
Yummy! I love it! happy 139

Yesterday went to Alpha class...
I dont really understand everything but bit by bit...
Ruby seems so active in her group!
Watched her from far far away....
Hahaha... see whether she got behave or not:P
Luckily she did:P

The meal in church was nice:)
I love the cake...
OMG... where is my diet plan?

Yes! Tonight got Udon noodle soup!
Can't wait for it!!
Excited! happy 140

Received a message from Rex:)
Haha... Always feel happy when he contacted me:)
Thanks Rex...
N I am glad that you are well there...:)
Keep in touch ya:) happy 141

To her...
Hope you can be strong... and move on...
Will pray hard for you...
Other than these... I don't know what else I can help...


D said...

why got post now 1? you dont have to work?

JC said...

I came back for lunch :)

We bought a microwave, so I just head up the lunch box then can eat d:)

So I got extra time to blog lo:)