I am not really into politics actually...
But nowaday BBC kept reporting UK politic issues...
Such as MPs over claimed their expenses...
MPs hire someone who don't have work permit...
MPs' mobile being eavesdrop...
And there is one funny one - a MP's husband claimed his porn DVD as an expense...
So on and so on...
And these few day...
BNP is the hottest news...
In the beginning... I don't even know what is BNP...
And now... I can't believe that in this century, in this country... "whites only" this kind of concept still exist... Come on...
I'm not totally understand the background of BNP... But what I am sure is... BNP and the chairman claim that all the non-whites citizen in UK should go back to their own country... OH MY GOD!!?? I was like... ah? how is it possible? And... They anti homosexuality...??? I wonder what does this matter them??? The chairman of BNP has also promoted many other ridicules concepts...
And soon I am going to see how he embarrass himself in BBC Question Time Programme @10.35pm!
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