Monday, 15 June 2009


Wow! Just now went to peiman's blog...
Wanna find her old post about her trip to Rome...
Suddenly saw my old blog's link...
Clicked it and read through...
Wow... not bad not bad...
Wonder why I can't write the same style as I used to write anymore...
Quite like that type of writing :P
And my mandarin seems like damn geng there:P

Anyway... that blog is full of sadness and unhappiness...
But there is one post I feel worth sharing it here:)




从前有个书生,和一个 青梅竹马的未婚妻约好在一年书生上京完试回来后结婚。到那一天,未婚妻却嫁给了别人。书生受此打击, 一病不起。这时,路过一游方僧人,从怀里摸出一面镜子叫书生看。书生看到茫茫大海,一名遇害的女子一丝不挂地躺在海滩上。路过一人, 看一眼,摇摇头, 走了。又路过一人, 将衣服脱下,给女尸盖上, 走了。再路过一人,过去, 挖个坑, 小心翼翼把尸体掩埋了。 僧人解释道, 那具海滩上的女尸,就是你未婚妻的前世。你是第二个路过的人,曾给过他一件衣服。她今生和你相恋,只为还你一个情。 但是她最终要报答一生一世的人, 是最后那个把她掩埋的人,那人就是他现在的丈夫。


my old blog link :

the fusion of reality and mysteries unveiled

1 comment:

HuiHui said...

har...the third person..............=(