Wednesday 15 April 2009

Hillsborough Disaster

Today woke up at 1pm and have brunch in the kitchen... Was thinking I have been few days did not see my favorite BBC news channel already... then turn to 601... It was a live show in Anfield football stadium, the headline was Hillsborough Disaster Anniversary... The stadium are full of people and they were singing and mourning for something...and it seems serious... then I continued listening to the reporter..."A total of 94 people died on the day, with 766 other fans being injured and around 300 being taken to hospital on 15th April 1989. " They didn't really tell what has actually happened... that intrigued me to know more...

Google it!

In summary:

Hillsborough Disaster was a deadly human crush at Hillsborough football staduim and remained as the most serious stadium related disaster in British.

On the 15th of April 1989 (20 years ago), there was a FA Cup Semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. But, it was abandoned six minutes after the match started due to fans were running to the field to escape from the human crush.

The stadium has segregated between opposing fans. However, they placed the liverpool fans in a smaller area even though they officially have more fans than Nottingham forest.

Besides, there was an unannounced road repair on the way to the stadium and caused some of the fans did not reach on time before the game start. Thousands of people including those without ticket arrived to the entry late and tried to enter after the game started. Fans started pushing and the police are forced to open one of the gate in order to prevent the front people injured from human crushing. Then the fans started rushing into the same direction cause there was no one to guide them to the right direction plus people were hearing the cheering sound from indoor and started to get more anxious! And... this... caused... a 94 people died... and mostly is teenager...

Detail is here for those who interested to know more...

There are many videos show in Youtube too... I don't feel like posting it here cause it is really sad :( :( :(

*There are something else I wanted to blog... But, spend a bit too much time in blogging this already... leave it tomorrow la...*

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