Saturday, 4 July 2009

New Flat :)

Wow... finally... ya really finally we viewed a nice property that ruby and me are both happy with it (we viewed more than 20 properties already) and we faster make the payments in case it will be gone again like last time the Handover street!!!

It's just located exactly in town center (St George street) !! The first thing in my mind was... 'Yes! 2 minutes to Tesco! 1 minutes to McDonald and I can just simply go and buy a cup of my favorite hot chocolate!' Hahaha...

It's a nice property but unfortunately it's unfurnished... So we have to buy our own bed...

By the way! To those graduated fellows who wanted to stay in UK for work... The council tax is quite expensive... It will cost like over one thousand per year and it depend on the house that you staying... Eg. if it is a 2 rooms flat then it will cost about £100 per month for the whole property... So when you find a house make sure that you include the council tax in your budget as well :( very expensive actually :( over budget already... hopefully my director will increase my salary a bit la... since I am now graduated...

We should be moving in on the 1st of August la... So... wait for our house warming ya:P I'm really looking forward to move though :P

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